Archive/Un-Archive Records 

Note: Only users with an Account Owner or Editor role can archive records.

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In cases where you no longer want to actively track a registration or certificate record, but you still want to maintain a record of the registration or certificate record (such as when you retire a product from the market), you can archive the registration or certificate record. If needed, you can un-archiving to continue tracking them.

To Archive Records:

1. On the Records page, select one or more records by clicking on the check-boxes on the left side of the registration.

2. Click the “Archive” button.

3. Select the reason for the archive from drop-down or type in your own.

4. Review the selected record to confirm you wish to archive it. To archive the selected record, click “Yes, archive registrations”. To cancel, click “No, cancel”.

To view your archived records, click on "Archived" link in the upper left. Note: Archived registrations will not be actively tracked by Rams. In other words, you will not receive any alerts related o your archived registrations. The archived registrations will not count toward the registration limit associated with your account.


To Un-archive  Records:

1. Navigate to the Archived registrations screen by clicking on the “Archived” link of the Registrations screen.

2. Select one or more records by clicking on the check-boxes on the left side of the registration.

3. Click the “Un-archive” button.

4. Review the records to confirm you wish to un-archive them. To un-archive the selected records click “Yes, archive registrations”. To cancel, click “No, cancel”.